Well I'm still confused. And I'm still in love with Relient K. Not much has changed since last time I blogged. My knee is extremely itchy because yesterday my cat's claw got stuck in my skin. It wasn't pretty. So... The picture is a lovely pretty old door. Did you ever think of what doors represent? Well, each door unlocks a different life, and right now I'm trying to decide which door to go through. The one that looks easy for now, or the one that looks ugly, and may end up ugly, but it might be better in the end. That probably makes NO sense, but it does to me. So School is pretty much dunzo for me after this Wednesday, nothing much after that. I think I should probably make my blogs more meaningful and less babbly. if that's a word. I guess I'll finish off my blog with a think I wrote about music, and me. My relationship with music, because it is truly my world. Some people don't get that. They say
"So you've found your passion, what are you going to do with it?"
And I say
"Listen to it for the rest of my life."
they say
"That's it?"
I get unsure of myself but then I realize, it's enough.
If you find something amazing, you don't have to make an extravagant gesture
you can just love it.
I think that's true with people and passions.
Music is my passion
so here's the thing a ma bobber.
Please don't steal it, although I shouldn't have to ask that, now should I?
Flow through my ears and fills my brain with poetry.
Drives out the noise and helps me concentrate.
Without music I'd go crazy.
Life is black and white, without music.
Music is neon and pastels, and blood red.
I scroll through thousands of songs
And millions of words
A hundreds of stories
My collection tells the story of my life.
I'm home.
When I'm singing,
I'm here.
When I'm listening,
I'm calm.
When I'm starved,
I'm gone.
I'm addicted.
It's delicious.
guess that's it for now.
Until next time,
LISTENING TO- Forget and not slow down- Relient K
Wishing- things made sense.... again.
Talking: On MSN
Feeling- Confused, tired.