we just want to be whole

Friday, August 6, 2010

Running out of air...

So it's raining. It's been raining every day for a while now, and I have to say it's been nice. I love rain. I don't like really hot sun, I don't really like snow, but I like rain. Lots of people I know like rain, it's a pretty happy medium. So I have this friend. She makes fun of the music and books I like and such. The thing is, generally she likes these artists/books before I do, and I like them on my own time. She hates trends. She loved Twilight. LOVED it. Then, it became popular. Now she LOATHES it. Same with.. Relient K, Jonas Brothers, insert long list of other things here, ect. It's kind of annoying how she makes fun of what I like, just because it MAY be popular. I do not follow trends. It's just not me, or if I do, I don't mean to. I don't even CARE if I do! If I like it, I like it, if I don't, I don't. That's how I see it. I find it annoying when people judge/classify you.
On a different and lest frustrating note, Taylor Swift's new single, Mine came out, and it is beyond amazing. It's my favorite song of hers ever. It's amazing.
Tomorrow I am going to the Warped Tour with my friend Harley. I think it will be really awesomely fun, and I can't wait.
Also, I freaked out when I found out RELIENT K IS COMING TO MY CITY. If you follow my blogs, you know that Relient K is one of my top 2 favorite bands. I ADORE relient K and they rock beyond rock. So I'm trying to get front row tickets to that.
Music = <3
wanna see something cool?
() ()
o o

It's a deer.
Obviously I am getting sidetracked.
Psych this week was amazing
they dissed Justin Bieber
Just saying.
Made me happy.
I guess that's it for now, until next time..
Listening To: The Space Between- Dave Matthews Band
Wishing: There was a new episode of the closer tonight
Feeling: Excited.

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Just a person, obsessed with music, taking life as it comes. I love cop shows, Chick-Flicks, Dr. Pepper, vintage cameras, skeleton keys, black nail polish, and MUSIC. Death Cab For Cutie, Relient K, Onerepublic, Owl City, Dave Matthews Band, Taylor Swift, Demi Lovato, Jonas Brothers. :)