we just want to be whole

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Dear Jonas Brothers...

Ok. No babbling and dancing around the point here, I'm mad/anxious/nervous/excited. Why am I feeling such a strong mix of emotions you ask? Well, this can simply be summed up by one sentence. I AM A FANATIC. The Websters dictionary definition for Fanatic is as follows: a person motivated by irrational enthusiasm; "rabid isolationist" Sounds harsh right? Well it kind of is. If you know me even the slightest bit, you know that I have a possibly unhealthy obsession with the Jonas Brothers. Why does this have anything to do with the fact that I'm mad/anxious/nervous/excited? Well, if I were to tell you the whole story it would take countless blogs, a lot of coffee to keep me awake, and you would stop reading after the first bit. To really understand why I am so mad/anxious/nervous/excited without telling you my entire life story, you need to know 4 simple facts:
1. I am the type of person who NEEDS TO KNOW WHAT'S GOING ON.
2. I adore the Jonas Brothers and Demi Lovato
3. Camp Rock 2 is coming out this summer
4. I love going to concerts
Now that you know a little big about me, I can tell my story.
So I'm sitting here, tired and a little hyped of on caffeine considering I've only gotten a combined total of about 12 hours of sleep the past few nights listening to A cheesy country song about love with the Jonas brothers you tube channel open, which I am obsessively checking. Now I will tell you why. Today, yes today, (insert eep here) the Jonas brothers are announcing their tour dates for their 2010 summer tour. This tour is very controversial, although telling you about that would take an entire new blog. Nobody knows when they're announcing them. They are supposedly announcing them by Youtube. They logged onto their Youutube 30 minutes ago (fine, you can call me a jonas brothers stalker, but I say I am simply a "a person motivated by irrational enthusiasm" Here I am sitting, checking twitter too, as all us Jonasheads chant "JONASTOURDATES" up the TT list as we encourage them to stop the riots. They logged in 36 minutes ago, now I ask, WHY ON EARTH DOES IT TAKE 36 MINUTES TO UPLOAD A VIDEO? I mean honestly. I love them and all, but the suspense is killing me. So, If by some miracle, the Jonas Brothers read this, you've got the buzz going about the tour. Please? PLEASE! Tell us what's going on. My head will explode, and it will be on your shoulders. I think my cat's starting to worry about the rapid speed of my clicking and typing, so JB's? You're stressing out my cat. And she's stressed enough. She spends half her time hiding under the bed, let's face it, she's a weirdo. But I'm freaking her out. So pretty please?
I'm gonna go get a paper bag so I can breathe now.
Until next time.

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Just a person, obsessed with music, taking life as it comes. I love cop shows, Chick-Flicks, Dr. Pepper, vintage cameras, skeleton keys, black nail polish, and MUSIC. Death Cab For Cutie, Relient K, Onerepublic, Owl City, Dave Matthews Band, Taylor Swift, Demi Lovato, Jonas Brothers. :)