we just want to be whole

Sunday, April 11, 2010

I would sail oceans to get a glimpse of how you feel...

Well hello. I honestly can NOT wait until summer vacation. I am so excited. Green grass, sleeping in, lemonade... The works. Right now it's lukewarm here, and no snow on the ground for now. Tonight on Disney Channel is the "Sonny Sings" episode of Sonny With A Chance which I am very excited for. Also, new Jonas Brothers Living The Dream. I'm excited. T-minus 67 minutes.... Know what I hate? That feeling that you get when you think you have more homework, but can't figure out what? It's really annoying and that's how I feel right now. I have to suggest a song, It's called Sticks and Stones by Aly 7 AJ, AKA 78violet. Also, a good song, I'd Lie by Tswift. THANKYOU BERRY for showing me that song. Right now my dad is vacuuming the TV. It's kinda weird. But the TV broke and we had to pull it out to fix it and there was dust everywhere and I am sneezing like crazy, so he's vacuuming. I'm almost at my- I've written 50 songs- mark. It's exciting. I'm excited. Music=my-life. Literally.
My Ipod is like an appendige
. It't ALWAYS with me and I LOVE <3 It. That's all I really have to say today. OOH! a good book that you should read, Chasing Brooklyn. It's really good. Alright, I must now go switch to my laptop so I can stop sneezing... K bye.

1 comment:

  1. haha you're welcome Laly!! I'm glad you like it! I'm going to read Chasing Brooklyn next! (: I love 78violet. I have both their cds. (: Well, their cds from back when they were known as Aly & AJ.



My story

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Just a person, obsessed with music, taking life as it comes. I love cop shows, Chick-Flicks, Dr. Pepper, vintage cameras, skeleton keys, black nail polish, and MUSIC. Death Cab For Cutie, Relient K, Onerepublic, Owl City, Dave Matthews Band, Taylor Swift, Demi Lovato, Jonas Brothers. :)